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泰州公司地址:No.62, building G59, west side of Tailu road and east side of Lujia Road, zhonghuachengkou, Taizhou


当前位置:首页 / Company / Introduction


Jiangsu ZECEN Biotech Co., Ltd, founded in August 2011, is the leading developer, manufacturer, and supplier of chemiluminescence immunoassay instrument and reagent. ZECEN sets its headquarter in China Medical Ctiy, Taizhou, Jiangsu, and R&D center in Beijing, right now has more than 300 employees.

ZECEN adheres to the ideology of "Innovation for Health, Quality for Life", and owns independent technology for CLIA instrument and reagent. Our R&D team is founded by scientists with decades of experience in IVD and chemiluminescence. The full-auto tubular chemiluminescence immunoassay system developed by ZECEN has filled the domestic technology blank. This technology bases upon the combination of magnetic particles as solid phase and chemiluminescence method, which broadens the linear range of detection, improves the detection sensitivity and analysis speed. 

Today, ZECEN has started cooperation with customers all over the world. We are committed to providing high-quality products in global market, and making contributions for human health.

 备案号码:苏ICP备14004376号-1 技术支持:泰州市千丰网络科技有限公司


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