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ZECEN Biotech Has All-round Cooperation with High-tech Zone and Taizhou Polytechnic

时间:2021-05-14   访问量:2110

   On the afternoon of July 14, Taizhou Medical Hi-tech Zone signed the contract withcted with Taizhou Polytechnic and established a comprehensive strategic partnership. Lu Chunyun, member of Standing Committeee and Secretary of Party Working Committee of Medical high-tech zone, Wu Yue, Member of the CPC Leadership Group and the director of the Administrative Committee of Medical High-tech Zone, Xu Shuping, Secretary of the party Committee of Taizhou Polytechnic, and Xu Qingguo, dean of the Taizhou Polytechnic as well as representatives from various enterprises attended the signing ceremony.

     In the future, the Medical Hi-Tech Zone, Taizhou Polytechnic and all major enterprises will cooperate on the following aspects: jointly establishing a "campus-enterprise-college" cooperative education council, creating a cooperation platform for "government, school, enterprises", build an effective and long-term cooperation mechanism; to carry out cooperation in running schools, and build professional dynamic adjustment mechanism and school-enterprise co-education mechanism, to cultivate high-quality personnel with technical skills that the enterprises urgently need; to carry out scientific and technological cooperation, build R & D center and other technology research and development and innovation platform so as to serve the enterprises’ Development and industrial restructuring and upgrading; to establish joint conference system of "China Medical City Human Resource Distribution Center - Taizhou Polytechnic Employment Entrepreneurship Guidance Center" and jointly develop human resource; to carry out cooperation on employment and entrepreneurship and social training to build a new business incubator and vocational and technical skills training base for college students, and to build a multi-level and distinctive high-end training system to meet the training needs of enterprises; to build flexible cited talent and other cooperation mechanisms and formulate and implement the double-post double-pay system, and to bring in high-level personnel at home and abroad and high-level research team.

     The same day, "Park - Enterprise - College" co-operation Council was officially established. The council is a non-profit social organization, there are currently 58 governing units, of which 56 park enterprises. Lu Chunyun, and Xu Shuping were elected as honorary chairman of the council, Wu Yue and Xu Qingguo were elected as chairman, General Manager of ZECEN Biotech Liu Zhenuo was elected as vice chairman.

    At the venue, Taizhou Polytechnic also signed cooperation agreements with Taizhou ZECEN Biotech Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Datong Union Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Medical International Technologies Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Hwaway Medical Logistics Co., Ltd. respectively.

  Lu Chunyun said that the rapid development of medical high-tech zones requires the acceleration of the accumulation of innovative elements, especially the concentration of talents. We hoped that both parties can take joint cooperation as a new starting point to give full play to their respective advantages and roles, explore methods of all-round cooperation, build a more closely integrated combination, and get fruitful results on the deep integration of production and education as well as close cooperation between schools and enterprises. 



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